Your Imagery is our focus


Your school prospectus, whether digital or print, is the first port of call for prospective parents, pupils and teaching professionals.

Compelling images need to be an essential part of your marketing strategy, and are a deciding factor for many when choosing a school or college.


It is vital that your prospectus photography portrays a vibrant, appealing and engaging learning environment to encourage student enrolment and attract first-rate teachers.


We can work together to produce natural, professional prospectus photography which showcases the values and strengths of your school, academy, college or university and demonstrates an atmosphere in which students flourish, teaching careers blossom and in which parents and students can have absolute confidence.


Choose a day that offers the broadest representation of your curriculum and other activities, so that we can create a diverse and exciting portfolio of images to display the resources of your faculty or campus.

We Showcase

Your Values

And Strengths


To create a full set of fresh images for your marketing, we advise at least one full day of photography, which is usually enough to cover all your needs for an enticing and attractive prospectus. 


Sometimes, however, it is beneficial to spend more time with you, or spread the shoot over more than one day in order to capture a fully rounded impression of your activities and syllabus.  We can work together to devise an image list and shooting plan in advance, which will make the most of our time on site.


As a specialist in school prospectus photography, we have full public liability insurance and are DBS compliant.  


Staff leadership portraits are also a popular choice with many of our clients.  We provide lighting and have a variety of backdrops from which to choose.

As an additional service we also offer School Prom Photography with on-site printing.  Please visit our event page for more details.

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